Pictures of Joy: Guest Posting at Peacequility

I recently returned from the Redbud Writers Guild retreat, where I met many of my writing sisters face to face.  One of them was Julie Holly.  We had a great conversation during a middle of the night fire alarm.  She asked me to contribute to her Joy 360 series at her Peacequility blog.  I hope this post will give you some joy today.

I take a lot of pictures—of friends and family, and especially of my grandchildren.

Almost always, I say “smile!” I want my photos to capture joyful moments of fun activities, glad events, sweet times together.

Scripture is full of such smiling pictures, giving us glimpses of the joy our God and His children experience together.

Have you sung, “Dance as David danced”? How was David dancing? Joyfully with all his might....Keep reading at Peacequility.