Thank You to My Readers


“Tank Oo, Jeedoo.”

My little two-year-old grandgirl is well trained. She says “thank you” consistently, sometimes on her own, sometimes with prompting. Hopefully she keeps saying the words as she grows, and that true gratitude grows in her heart as well.

Hopefully, even at my age, I not only keep saying “thanks,” but also cultivate an increasingly grateful heart.

When I think of you, who read my blog, my gratitude is great and genuine. Not just words.

Thank you for reading what I write. I pray my words bless and encourage you in your journey with our Lord. It gives me such joy to see people discover who God made them to be and what He wants them to do.May God surprise you with His good blessings in the coming year and fill your heart with gratitude for His blessings to you!

With love,
