3 Ways to Pray in the Face of Tragedy

Tragedy, loss, disappointment—we all experience them in life. The best place to turn at such time is to God. Bronwyn Lea, editor of Christine Caine’s Propel Sophia newsletter, asked me to share some thoughts on how to pray in those difficult times.

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My son called on an early morning in June to tell us he and his wife—in labor with their first child—were blocked from entering the hospital zone because of some huge disaster down the street.

The huge event was the mass shooting at a nightclub. A security guard had killed 49 people and wounded 53 others at the popular gay club on Latin night.

As we awaited the birth of our granddaughter, the hospital became a chaotic place of life and death as staff ran to care for incoming victims.

The horror of shootings around the nation and the world had come home. The people of Orlando were traumatized. Unbelief, anger, weeping prevailed, but eventually evolved into determination, unity of spirit and commitment to honor those slain and to ensure “never again.”

Yet the anger and fear laid a blanket of heaviness on the city. The grief was palpable.Continue reading at Propel Sophia

c2019 Judy Douglass

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